
Did you know? 3 interesting facts about Sarkodie

Sarkodie is one of the most private and respected celebrities in Ghana. Very little is heard or known about him especially concerning his personal life and family. Fortunately for us, he has spilled a few secrets around. And we have been gracious enough to serve it right up to you.

Sarkodie is a loner

Unfortunately for the rapper, people have misconstrued this disposition as stinginess. Speaking about his childhood and how he started making music on Pure FM, he said, “I am a loner, you know. I was always alone. So going through that phase, the only way to let out was through writing. I wrote songs I had in my head then I heard Ghana rap… amongst my peers. I didn’t have any peer who was rapping around me. I was the only one who started rapping at Achimota Preparatory.”

‘Can’t Let You Go’ video and the wedding was purely coincidental

According to Sarkodie, he didn’t plan on using his wedding as visuals for the music video for his song, ‘Can’t Let You Go’. But the timing for both the wedding and song release was just perfect for each other.
“I think it all happened at the same right time. So I had the music I didn’t know I was going to use that for the video. Then as soon as that time came, I was like, it’s just the perfect time. The music depicts the mood. What I was talking about suits the message as in having a wedding and getting that on tape. So I just had to choose that song, and it worked magic, perfectly.

Sarkodie sold yam on the streets

Sarkodie has always been vocal about his lifestyle growing up. In an interview with Hammer Nti on Pure FM, the VGMA Artiste of the Decade revealed that he used to peddle yam when he was a boy. “I hawked yam. I did it at Chantan, Mile 7.”

Michael Owusu Addo, known as Sarkodie, has several awards to his name, including the Vodafone Ghana Music Award for Artiste of the Decade. He also won the first Best International Flow artist award category at the 2019 BET Hip Hop Awards.


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