
Asakaa Boys Are the Blueprint of the Proper Trap (Asakaa) In Ghana

Koosebor host of PureDrive ask the boys from Life Living records in an interview that which people are the blueprint of the proper trap in Ghana and in our city?

They replied; no one, not in even in our city and the whole Africa, they also continue that, the movement can be little as the people see it, and what is making people not seeing us how they want us to be.

They added; when you have gold in your house and it appears to be at your backyard not in front of the house and you decide not mine it, it’s going to be gold and going to grow and grow until you released you have to work on it.

So basically we are doing what it takes us to do but its left with the people to look at it as a big business and join in.

By: God Lyod||Ghana

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